Contoh Ayat menggunakan Perkataan "amount" dalam bahasa Inggeris
- Treatment aims to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and reverse any causes of hypoxia
- Further, any coin or bank note ceases to be legal tender if it is 100× the amount of the debt
- Because of the added lighting and triple amount of film necessary, Technicolor demanded high film budgets
- A human will output from around 70 watts to 870 watts, depending on the amount of physical activity undertaken
- Doppler flow study is a type of ultrasound that measures the amount of blood flowing in and out of the placenta
- A biophysical profile checks for the baby's heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing, and the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby
- A study suggests that the introduction of the euro has had a positive effect on the amount of tourist travel within the EMU, with an increase of 6.5%
- Virtual memory" provides the programmer or the user with the perception that there is a much larger amount of RAM in the computer than is really there
- Users wanting longer cover than the standard amount included have the additional option to extend this cover by purchasing an AppleCare Protection Plan
- The optimal, and minimum, amount of water to use is the amount required to dilute the air to 15% oxygen: below this concentration, the fire cannot burn
- The average total lung capacity of an adult human male is about 6 litres of air, but only a small amount of this capacity is used during normal breathing
- It is common for the game designer's name to misleadingly be given an undue amount of association to the game, neglecting the rest of the development team
- In addition to the optical improvements, Blu-ray Discs feature improvements in data encoding that further increase the amount of content that can be stored
- Stage I: A small amount of amniotic fluid is found around the donor twin and a large amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) is found around the recipient twin
- For relational databases or other systems that require ACID transactions, even a modest amount of Flash storage can offer vast speedups over arrays of disk drives
- Even though these devices are not specifically used for gas collection, they are capable of a small amount of gas absorption because of their large wetted surface
- The rate of combustion is the amount of a material that undergoes combustion over a period of time. It can be expressed in grams per second or kilograms per second (kg / s)
- Wood with less than 25% moisture can remain free of decay for centuries. Similarly, wood submerged in water may not be attacked by fungi if the amount of oxygen is inadequate
- In 2013 United Kingdom Information Commissioner's Office charged Sony with a £250, 000 penalty for putting a large amount of personal and financial data of PSN clients at risk
- Designing chimneys and stacks to provide the correct amount of natural draught or draft involves a number design factors, many of which require iterative trial-and-error methods
- Hemothorax can put pressure on the lung and force it to collapse. It also can cause shock, a state of hypoperfusion in which an insufficient amount of blood is able to reach the organs
- The amount used should be between the optimal value and the upper limit. Any additional water would just run on the floor and cause water damage without contributing to fire suppression
- Despite massive third party support and an unprecedented amount of hype for a first-time entrant into the industry, the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer's $700 price tag hindered its success
- Most modern games take from one to three years to complete. The length of development is influenced by a number of factors, such as genre, scale, development platform and amount of assets
- One method of reducing the volume of flatus produced is dietary modification, reducing the amount of fermentable carbohydrates. This is the theory behind diets such as the low FODMAP diet
- Participants wear period costume and are expected to stay in-character during events - although the amount of seriousness the role-playing aspect receives varies greatly by unit and chapter
- Generally, playable demos are stripped down versions of the full game, restricting gameplay to some levels, only allowing access to some features, or limiting the amount of time playable in the game
- Vital capacity is the maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after a maximum inhalation. It is equal to the sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume
- To acquire this huge amount of linguistic data, Google used United Nations documents. The UN typically publishes documents in all six official UN languages, which has produced a very large 6-language corpus
- In what is now Germany, locations named after Thor are sparsely recorded, but an amount of locations called Donnersberg may derive their name from the deity Donner, the southern Germanic form of the god's name
- Video8 equipment can play Hi8 recordings, but not correctly due to the amount of artifacts shown when playing Hi8 recordings on a Video8 camcorder. All Hi8 equipment can record and play in the legacy Video8 format
- The following table shows the equivalent amount of goods that, in a particular year, could be purchased with £1. The table shows that from 1971 through 2009 the British Pound has lost about 90% of its buying power
- Google Apps for business is free for 30 days, US$5 per user account and month thereafter or $50 per year. Google Apps for Education is free and offers the same amount of storage as Google Apps for Business accounts
- Skill is a measure of the amount of worker's expertise, specialization, wages, and supervisory capacity. Skilled workers are generally more trained, higher paid, and have more responsibilities than unskilled workers
- The table to the right shows the equivalent amount of goods that, in a particular year, could be purchased with $1. The table shows that from 1774 through 2009 the U.S. dollar has lost about 96.4% of its buying power
- The other greenhouse gases produced from human activity show similar increases in both amount and rate of increase. Many observations are available online in a variety of Atmospheric Chemistry Observational Databases
- In this vessel, the gas flows horizontally through a number of spray sections. The amount and quality of liquid sprayed in each section can be varied, usually with the cleanest liquid sprayed in the last set of sprays
- Previously, the amount of water contaminating biodiesel has been difficult to measure by taking samples, since water and oil separate. However, it is now possible to measure the water content using water-in-oil sensors
- In arterial blood-gas sampling, a small amount of blood is taken from an artery, usually in the wrist. The blood is then checked for oxygen and carbon-dioxide levels. This test shows how well the lungs are taking in oxygen
- A figure named Æsc appears as the son of Hengest in the Anglo-Saxon genealogy for the kings of Kent. This has resulted in an amount of theories that the figures may have had an earlier basis in pre-Norse Germanic mythology
- For example, the amount 3, 25, 84, 729.25 is read as "three crore, twenty-five lakh, eighty-four thousand, seven hundred twenty-nine rupees and twenty-five paise". The use of millions in the Indian subcontinent is very rare
- Minute volume is the amount of gas inhaled or exhaled from a person's lungs in one minute. It can be measured by a Wright respirometer or other device capable of cumulatively measuring gas flow, such as mechanical ventilators
- The edema is usually seen in the fetal subcutaneous tissue, sometimes leading to spontaneous abortion. It is a prenatal form of heart failure, in which the heart is unable to satisfy its demand for a highamount of blood flow
- As of 2006, China was the world's largest sulfur dioxide polluter, with 2005 emissions estimated to be 25.49 million tons. This amount represents a 27% increase since 2000, and is roughly comparable with U.S. emissions in 1980
- At one time, a primary concern with non-linear editing had been picture and sound quality. Storage limitations at the time required that all material undergo lossy compression techniques to reduce theamount of memory occupied
- Proper disposal of left over paint is a challenge. Sometimes it can be recycled: Old paint may be usable for a primer coat or an intermediate coat, and paints of similar chemistry can be mixed to make a largeramount of a uniform color
- Nonetheless, Foxman said, "If it's about a Crucifixion in which the Jews kill Christ, you can never clean it up enough." A.J. Goldmann, the Forward's reviewer, replied, "Will no amount of revision suffice to silence the play's critics?"
- Victory in a match is normally gained either by the judges ' decision after an allotted amount of time has elapsed, a stoppage by the referee or the fight doctor, a submission, by a competitor's cornerman throwing in the towel, or by knockout
- A small amount of mail was carried on this flight making it the first transatlantic airmail flight to the UK. The government of the Dominion of Newfoundland overprinted stamps for this carriage with the inscription "Transatlantic air post 1919
- The radiation dose reported in the gray or mGy unit is proportional to the amount of energy that the irradiated body part is expected to absorb, and the physical effect on the cells ' chemical bonds by x-ray radiation is proportional to that energy
- The effects of marine viruses are far-reaching; by increasing the amount of photosynthesis in the oceans, viruses are indirectly responsible for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by approximately 3 gigatonnes of carbon per year
- Buildings come in a wide amount of shapes and functions, and have been adapted throughout history for a wide number of factors, from building materials available, to weather conditions, to land prices, ground conditions, specific uses and aesthetic reasons
- But others have argued that these inefficient devices are low powered, e.g., devices that are used for small battery chargers, so even if they have a low efficiency, the amount of energy they waste is less than 1% of household consumption of electric energy
- Sometimes the phrase "non-small-cell lung cancer" is used generically, usually when a more specific diagnosis cannot be made. This is most often the case when a pathologist examines a small amount of malignant cells or tissue in a cytology or biopsy specimen
- Lionel Messi is the only player to have been considered the best player of the final on two occasions. Brazilian players have earned that distinction the most amount of times with three nominations. Deco is the only player to have won the award for the losing side
- Maternal anemia in which smoking has also been implicated is another factor associated with IH / BA. Smoking by expectant mothers causes a decrease in maternal nucleated red blood cells, thereby reducing the amount of red blood cells available for oxygen transport
- Tracing every particle of light in a scene is nearly always completely impractical and would take a stupendous amount of time. Even tracing a portion large enough to produce an image takes an inordinateamount of time if the sampling is not intelligently restricted
- Bioethers are cost-effective compounds that act as octane rating enhancers. They also enhance engine performance, whilst significantly reducing engine wear and toxic exhaust emissions. Greatly reducing the amount of ground-level ozone, they contribute to air quality
- As well as the porn industry, there is a large amount of non-commercial pornography. This should be distinguished from commercial pornography falsely marketed as featuring "amateurs". The Alt Sex Stories Text Repository focuses on prose stories collected from Usenet
- By the end of October 2003, according to the Bhopal Gas Tragedy Relief and Rehabilitation Department, compensation had been awarded to 554, 895 people for injuries received and 15, 310 survivors of those killed. The average amount to families of the dead was $2, 200
- In cases of breast cancer with low risk for metastasis, the risks associated with PET scans, CT scans, or bone scans outweigh the possible benefits. This is because these procedures expose the patient to a substantial amount of potentially dangerous ionizing radiation
- In respiratory physiology, the ventilation / perfusion ratio is a measurement used to assess the efficiency and adequacy of the matching of two variables: It is defined as: the ratio of the amount of air reaching the alveoli to the amount of blood reaching the alveoli
- The brutally crushed Hungarian Revolution on 23 October 1956 resulted in a shockwave of Hungarian refugees at the Hungarian-Austrian border, especially at the Bridge of Andau, who were received by the inhabitants of Burgenland with an overwhelming amount of hospitality
- Ontario is home to Niagara Falls, which supplies a large amount of hydroelectricity for the province. The Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, the largest nuclear power plant in the world, is also in Ontario and uses 8 CANDU reactors to generate electricity for the province
- A related economic model is proposed by Thomas Homer-Dixon and by Charles Hall in relation to our declining productivity of energy extraction, or energy return on energy invested. This measures theamount of surplus energy a society gets from using energy to obtain energy
- The cameras themselves are generally considered by most sound recordists to be quite noisy in operation, possibly because the amount of computer processing power, and subsequent generated heat, leads to cooling fans being used to keep the camera at a reasonable temperature
- In photography, exposure is the amount of light allowed to fall on each area unit of a photographic medium during the process of taking a photograph. Exposure is measured in lux seconds, and can be computed from exposure value (EV) and scene luminance in a specified region
- Liverpool reported a £49.4m annual loss in 2011, although this figure does not include a new £25m kit deal with Warrior Sports. In the 2010 / 2011 season it spent €142 Mio on wages, nearly the same amount as Bayern München, and 2.5 times the amount of Borussia Dortmund
- Accelerometer pilot control uses an accelerometer to provide feedback on the engine's level of noise and vibration and thus instruct the ECU to inject the minimum amount of fuel that will produce quiet combustion and still provide the required power (especially while idling)
- According to BusinessInsider, he has founded a startup in cloud computing called Upthere with other former Apple employees. In November, 2012 Upthere raised an undisclosed amount of VC funding from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Elevation Partners, and Google Ventures
- This update is not expected to result in widespread availability of 1080p60 programming, since most of the existing digital receivers in use would only be able to decode the older, less-efficient MPEG-2 codec, and because there is a limited amount of bandwidth for subchannels
- A single image of the series of images comprising the movie is positioned and held flat within an aperture called the gate. The gate also provides a slight amount of friction so that the film does not advance or retreat except when driven to advance the film to the next image
- Balance can mean the amount of signal from each channel reproduced in a stereo audio recording. Typically, a balance control in its center position will have 0 dB of gain for both channels and will attenuate one channel as the control is turned, leaving the other channel at 0 dB
- Each athlete has a set amount of time in which to make an attempt. The amount of time varies by level of competition and the number of vaulters remaining. If the vaulter fails to begin an attempt within this time, the vaulter is charged with a time foul and the attempt is a miss
- Lauren Hodge of York, PA, won the age 13–14 category for research on whether marinades reduce the amount of cancer-causing compounds produced by the grilling of meat. She found that lemon juice and brown sugar cut the level of carcinogens sharply, while soy sauce increased them
- The amount of radiation used in photon radiation therapy is measured in gray, and varies depending on the type and stage of cancer being treated. For curative cases, the typical dose for a solid epithelial tumor ranges from 60 to 80 Gy, while lymphomas are treated with 20 to 40 Gy
- Symptoms of polyps include nasal congestion, sinusitis, anosmia, and secondary infection leading to headache. They may be removed by surgery, but are found to recur in about 70% of cases. Sinus surgery requires great amount of precision as this involves risk of damage to orbit matter
- The 2000 film Cast Away features a massive amount of FedEx and Wilson Sporting Goods product placement, in many cases as integral to the story, including a Wilson volleyball which Tom Hanks ' character names "Wilson." In one scene, Hanks ' character repeatedly yells "WILSON! WILSON!"
- In 2005, Google launched the Google Advertising Professional Program to certify individuals and companies who completed AdWords training and passed an exam. Due to the complexity of AdWords and the amount of money at stake, some advertisers hire a consultant to manage their campaigns
- Nearly all the rare earth elements in the world come from China, and many analysts believe that an overall increase in Chinese electronics manufacturing will consume this entire supply by 2012. In addition, export quotas on Chinese rare earth elements have resulted in an unknown amount of supply
- There should also be a "care plan" in case of future exacerbations. Patients may watch for symptoms, such as shortness of breath, change in character or amount of mucus, and start self-treatment as discussed with a health care provider. This allows for treatment right away until a doctor can be seen
- Dependence of the secondary sex ratio on the amount of fertilizing pollen was confirmed on four dioecious plant species from three families — Rumex acetosa, Melandrium album (Cariophyllaceae), Cannabis sativa and Humulus japonicus (Cannabinaceae) . (see summary of all these data in review article)
- After the Congress of Vienna, the Kingdom of Prussia received a large amount of territory in the Westphalian region and created the province of Westphalia in 1815. The northernmost portions of the former kingdom, including the town of Osnabrück, had become part of the states of Hanover and Oldenburg
- David Villa ended the season with a large amount of his appearances coming from the bench, partly due to the recovery time of his previous injury. Despite this, he was still able to amass 16 goals in 39 appearances while his performances earned him a spot in Spain's 2013 2013 Confederations Cup squad
- If the underlying disease or injurious factor is not removed, the amount of inflammatory mediators released by the lungs in ARDS may result in a systemic inflammatory response syndrome. The evolution towards shock and / or multiple organ failure follows paths analogous to the pathophysiology of sepsis
- TEFs are also approximations with certain amount of scientific judgement rather than scientific facts. Therefore they may be re-evaluated from time to time. There have been several TEF versions since the 1980s. The most recent re-assessment was by an expert group of the World Health organization in 2005
- Adsorption is usually described through isotherms, that is, the amount of adsorbate on the adsorbent as a function of its pressure or concentration (if liquid) at constant temperature. The quantity adsorbed is nearly always normalized by the mass of the adsorbent to allow comparison of different materials
- If left untreated, the condition can progress to a point where the blood accumulation begins to put pressure on the mediastinum and the trachea, effectively limiting the amount that the heart's ventricles are able to fill. The condition can cause the trachea to deviate, or move, toward the unaffected side
- As part of Sony's "Welcome Back" program from the PSN outage, Sony offered each user who were PSN subscribers before April 20, 2011 a free PlayStation Plus subscription for 30 days, while already existing Plus subscribers received an additional 30 days to their service plus the amount of days PSN was offline
- In essence the rate at which low level ozone is formed is determined by hydrocarbons, whilst the availability of oxides of nitrogen influences the amount it produces. At this point the environmental debate takes a surprising turn as individual industries tend to blame each other's emission as a probable cause
- One of the earliest documented attempts at building implosion was the 1773 razing of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Waterford, Ireland with 150 pounds of gunpowder, a huge amount of explosives at the time. The use of low velocity explosive produced a deafening explosion that instantly reduced the building to rubble
- Box office business can be measured in terms of the number of people who see it or the amount of money raised by ticket sales. The projection and analysis of these earnings is very important for the creative industries and often a source of interest for fans. This is predominant in the Hollywood movie industry
- A slightly greater injury is associated with both anterograde and retrograde amnesia. The amount of time that the amnesia is present correlates with the severity of the injury. In all cases the patients develop postconcussion syndrome, which includes memory problems, dizziness, tiredness, sickness and depression
- An explosive material, also called an explosive, is a reactive substance that contains a great amount of potential energy that can produce an explosion if released suddenly, usually accompanied by the production of light, heat, sound, and pressure. An explosive charge is a measured quantity of explosive material
- As the country's single largest annual sporting event, the Grey Cup has long served as an unofficial Canadian autumn festival generating national media coverage and a large amount of revenue for the host city. Many fans travel from across the country to attend the game and the week of festivities that lead up to it
- By extension, the term is frequently used, especially in the context of the film industry, as a synonym for the amount of business a particular production, such as a film or theatre show, receives. The term can also mean factors which may influence this amount, as in the phrases "good box office" and "bad box office"
- In the main series, there are three unlockable minigames that can be played at the hub. These can be accessed by clearing the necessary amount of stages and / or having the necessary amount of coins. In Ape Escape and Ape Escape: On the Loose, you had to collect a certain amount of Specter Tokens to unlock a minigame
- These indices have 5 levels using a scale from 0 to > 100 (very high), it is a relative measure of the amount of air pollution. They are based on 3 pollutants of major concern in Europe: PM10, NO2, O3 and will be able to take into account to 3 additional pollutants (CO, PM2.5 and SO2) where data are also available
- If a healthy person were to voluntarily stop breathing for a long enough amount of time, he or she would lose consciousness, and the body would resume breathing on its own. Because of this one cannot commit suicide with this method, unless one's breathing was also restricted by something else (e.g. water, see drowning)
- Many advocates suggest that waste vegetable oil is the best source of oil to produce biodiesel, but since the available supply is drastically less than the amount of petroleum-based fuel that is burned for transportation and home heating in the world, this local solution could not scale to the current rate of consumption
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